Valerie "Valstyle" Kirk
New York based artist Valerie Kirk uses vibrant colors and abstract form to evoke her own way of pleasing the eye. Her work was influenced by the ancestors, her parents, her uncle Charles Morris and mentor G. Falcon Beazer. Valstyle is her artist’s name from the martial arts and fashion world incorporating African motif of Andinkra symbol of Ghana in her style, her work is informed by her background in abstract acrylic, calligraphy, computer graphics, mosaic, mixed media, photography, printmaking & watercolor. Ms. Kirk received a B.A.. in fine arts from Lehman college, CUNY her work was recently exhibited in Harlem USA at the Kente Royal gallery in March. She has shown in the Metropolitan Museum of Art & the Multicultural Museum in Maryland, she was part of the South of the Navy Yard walking tour in Brooklyn & black wash on Bronxnet; currently Valstyle is a Fulton art fair artist and a Harlem arts alliance artist. My mood dictates anything I execute for a series of artwork. Sometimes my thoughts flow freely in the morning or night at any time I’ll get a burst of inspiration from life’s experience, being around the African diaspora and my travels. My new series R.E.M. is related to my older series funk color dreams started over twenty years ago. When i started drawing the word dream in graffiti tag form. Dream is continuously repeated in most of these paintings of mixed media, feeling so inspired I rolled out a body of work to show and for you to enjoy.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.