Fulton Art Fair

During the 1960’s I attended P.S. 242 in Brooklyn, NY. As a youngster I always arrived to school on time, studied hard, ate lunch, played at recess and did my homework. While in Pre-K I started drawing at Five years old. Every Sunday afternoon I could remember sketching out pictures of my favorite carton characters from the New York Daily newspapers. By age twelve I became a better skilled artist and suddenly started drawing famous celebrities, landscapes, superhero characters and animals. In 1971 I went to Canarsie High School. During my attendance there I made new friends and became a fine arts major and did well academically. After receiving my diploma I got a job and enrolled in a few evening college courses. Within nine years I successfully graduated from both New York Technical College (1980-Associated Degree Art and Design) and Queens University C.B.F.A-1984). By 1978 I joined the Fulton Art Fair Organization and have been an active member with them for nearly thirty-seven years.
I’m glad to be a professional artist because over the years I was able to teach this talented skill to my students, and had the grand opportunity to paint/draw scenes of colorful flowers, butterflies, astonishing wildlife animals and famous people.